Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Planning My Route

Think little goals and expect little achievements. Think big goals and win big success.
David J. Schwartz

The first step towards getting the things you want is to decide what it is you want and visualize yourself having it. Set goals, and then imagine yourself achieving them. Think of the joy you will feel when you reach your goal, and you will feel even more driven to success.

A. Think about 3 goals you have for this school year. (For Example: Do you want to make all A’s? Do you want to get the starring role in choir or in a play? Do you want to play first string in your sport? Do you want to make a new friend or find a significant other?) List 3 goals you would like to accomplish by the end of the school year.

B. Then think about 3 goals you have for your life. (For Example: Would you like to have a certain career? Would you like to get married and have children? When? Would you like to own your own business? Would you like to go to college? Get your Masters degree? Get your PhD?!)  List 3 goals you hope to accomplish in this lifetime.

Please use complete sentences and correct punctuation and spelling.


  1. ms. davis class is the best...AWESOME

  2. uuuuuuhhhh i dont know how 2 edit my blog can someone teach me how 2 cz i dont get technology

  3. Thanks Jackie. :) And if you still have questions about your blog, I'll answer them during the next class.
