Thursday, October 28, 2010


What is the funniest Halloween costume you have ever seen?  The most creative?  What about the most lame one?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Describe and/or post pictures of 3 Halloween costumes you have seen or heard of: the funniest, the most creative, and the dumbest or most played out.  Then click Publish Post, and you are finished.

Ms. Davis's Answer: The funniest costume I ever saw was on a dog.  It was dressed as Antoine Dodson, the guy who got famous on the news when an intruder broke into his house.

The most creative one(s) I have ever seen, or at least the cutest, were all these kids dressed as Pacman and the ghosts from Pacman. 

And the most lame costume was a few years ago when it seemed like EVERYBODY did this: 

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fundraiser - BIM 1, Assignment 7, 2nd 6-Weeks

Fundraiser Instructions

Excel Day 5 Outline

Excel Day 5 Spreadsheet

Payroll - BIM 1, Assignment 6, 2nd 6-Weeks

Payroll Instructions

Payroll Spreadsheet

Excel Day 4 Outline

Excel Day 4 Spreadsheet

Employee Schedule - BIM 1, Assignment 5, 2nd 6-Weeks

Employee Schedule Instructions

Excel Day 3 Outline

Excel Day 3 Spreadsheet

Check Register - BIM 1, Assignment 4, 2nd 6-Weeks

Check Register Instructions

Excel Day 2 Outline

Excel Day 2 Spreadsheet

College Budget - BIM 1, Assignment 3, 2nd 6-Weeks

College Budget Instructions

Example College Budget

Peer Assistance

Recently in our BIM 1 classes we had to stop using headphones in order to get more efficient at Microsoft Excel.  But do not despair, we have a plan to get our headphones back.  And that plan is Peer Assistance.

The PA program encourages students to help students on assignments by giving them an added incentive - the chance of a free day and a party!  Each 6-weeks, the class with the highest class average gets a day off when the other classes are working and gets to have a class party.  PA is a chance to make the class's average even higher.  For each time a student helps another student, they get one point.  For each time a student asks for help from another student, they get one point.  It quickly becomes a cascade as more people complete their work and begin helping others.  At the end of the 6-weeks, students turn in their PA sheets and I tally the points.  Whichever class has the most PA points gets 3 extra points added to their class average in the running for a party.  Plus, if more students are completing their work and getting better at Excel, the grades will be higher anyway.

Peer Assistance helps EVERYONE in class.  It helps the students who need more practice to become Excel pros.  It helps the students who are pretty good at Excel because teaching always helps the teacher become more comfortable with the material too.  And it helps me, Ms. Davis, because I can only be in 1 place at a time.

Please give me some good ideas for incentives that people would like to get for Peer Assistance.  I'm open to suggestions, and I appreciate your assistance. :)

Peer Assistance Form

Peer Assistance

Today we started the Peer Assistance project in class.  What is Peer Assistance?  Who does it help?  What is the prize?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, go to Blogger, and click New Post.  Tell me about Peer Assistance.  Answer the questions above.  What are some good incentives (prizes) that can be rewarded to the class or student who gets the most Peer Assistance points?  Then click Publish Post, and you're finished.

Ms. Davis's Answer: Peer Assistance is a program we are doing in BIM 1 to improve our abilities in Excel.  Students get one point for each time they help another student with an assignment and for asking for help from another student.  Who does it help?  A better question is who doesn't it help? It helps every student in the class and it helps me because I cannot be in more than one place at once.  The prize is 3 bonus points on your class average, which determines who gets a party next 6-weeks.  I need help coming up with prizes so that's why I'm asking you students!

Monday, October 25, 2010


A league or alliance.

When the southern states seceded, they formed a confederation.


The end or close; final part.

We all hope the conclusion of the Rangers/Giants World Series will be the Rangers winning.


Having all necessary parts, components, or steps; entire.

My complete set of state quarters includes all 50 of the United States.


Complementing each other; forming a complement; completing.

Her sweet charm and his wonderful sense of humor make them a perfectly complementary couple.


Something that completes or makes something perfect.

That new sweater is the perfect complement to Kaitlin's pale blue eyes.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

World Series Prediction

The Rangers are in the World Series for the first time IN HISTORY against the San Francisco Giants.  Who do you think will win it all and why?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a New Tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post. Tell me who you think will win World Series and why.  Then click Publish Post, and you are finished!

Ms. Davis's Answer:  I think the Rangers are going to win it all because we've finally got great hitting and solid pitching all the way down the roster.  And because that's the way baseball go.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Rangers vs. Yankees

Who do you think will win the ALCS (American League Championship Series) and why?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a New Tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post. Tell me who you think will win the ALCS and go on to the World Series and why.  Then click Publish Post, and you are finished!

Ms. Davis's Answer:  I think the Rangers are going to win it all!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

You're the Boss

If you were the boss, what would you look for in an employee?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Think about these 7 qualities: positive attitude, reliable, good computer skills, teamwork, on time, respectful, hard-working.  Put them in order starting with the one you think is most important.  Then click Publish Post, and you're finished!

Ms. Davis's Answer:
Positive attitude
On time
Computer skills

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Money will buy you a fine dog, but only love can make it wag its tail.”  
- Richard Friedman

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Tell me what the quote above means to you.  Then tell whether you agree or disagree with the quote and tell me why. Then click Publish Post, and you're finished!

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I think the quote means that money can only get you so far towards having something you dream of.  Say you want to be a great guitarist; with money you can buy the guitar you desire, but only with love and dedication will you be the guitarist you dream of being.  I agree with the quote.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My New Place

Imagine you have just moved out to live on your own and support yourself entirely.  What are some things you will need to buy?
INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Then list 7 things you will have to buy for your new place.  Then click Publish Post, and you're done.

Ms. Davis's answer:

  1. Curtains
  2. Silverware
  3. Washer and Dryer
  4. Rug
  5. Bed Linens
  6. Kitchen table
  7. Sofa

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wall Street

Oliver Stone's Wall Street

Next Week's Calendar

What do you have on your calendar next week?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open up a new tab, go to Blogger and login, and click New Post.   How do you keep track of the things you have going on?  Do you memorize all the times, days, and places, or do you keep a schedule saved somewhere?  Tell me 3 things you have on your calendar next week.  When you have answered these questions and listed 3 things, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Ms. Davis's Answer: I keep track of my appointments by using the Outlook Calendar online.
Tutoring, Monday, 4:00
Ranger Game, Monday, 7:00
Meeting with Ms. Smith, Tuesday, 10:30

Monday, October 4, 2010

Give Me a Job

What would you say to someone to get them to give you a job?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, go to Blogger, login, and click New Post.  List 3 things you would tell a manager or boss to persuade them to give you a job.  This can be a talent, something thing you have a lot of experience with, an achievement, or something good about your personality, your looks, or your style.  Then click Publish Post, and your finished!

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I am proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point.
I am outgoing and friendly.
I have a Masters Degree in Finance.