Thursday, October 28, 2010


What is the funniest Halloween costume you have ever seen?  The most creative?  What about the most lame one?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Describe and/or post pictures of 3 Halloween costumes you have seen or heard of: the funniest, the most creative, and the dumbest or most played out.  Then click Publish Post, and you are finished.

Ms. Davis's Answer: The funniest costume I ever saw was on a dog.  It was dressed as Antoine Dodson, the guy who got famous on the news when an intruder broke into his house.

The most creative one(s) I have ever seen, or at least the cutest, were all these kids dressed as Pacman and the ghosts from Pacman. 

And the most lame costume was a few years ago when it seemed like EVERYBODY did this: 

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