Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Peer Assistance

Today we started the Peer Assistance project in class.  What is Peer Assistance?  Who does it help?  What is the prize?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, go to Blogger, and click New Post.  Tell me about Peer Assistance.  Answer the questions above.  What are some good incentives (prizes) that can be rewarded to the class or student who gets the most Peer Assistance points?  Then click Publish Post, and you're finished.

Ms. Davis's Answer: Peer Assistance is a program we are doing in BIM 1 to improve our abilities in Excel.  Students get one point for each time they help another student with an assignment and for asking for help from another student.  Who does it help?  A better question is who doesn't it help? It helps every student in the class and it helps me because I cannot be in more than one place at once.  The prize is 3 bonus points on your class average, which determines who gets a party next 6-weeks.  I need help coming up with prizes so that's why I'm asking you students!

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