Monday, February 14, 2011


INSTRUCTIONS: Write a story using the sentences below as a jumping off point.  Write at least 5 new sentences of your own.  The story can be about anything you want, as long as it is school appropriate.  Use 2 TAKS Words of the Day, and underline them within the story.

Jake couldn't wait to get to school. Today was the day of the class Valentine's Day party.

Ms. Davis's Answer:
Jake couldn't wait to get to school. Today was the day of the class Valentine's Day party.  He had been waiting for this day since well before Christmas - today was the day he would disclose his love to the girl he had been pining for.  Her name was Candy, so he thought it was perfect to declare his love to her on Valentine's Day, in letters spelled out with all different kinds of candy.  He had planned it out perfectly, spending hours on the placement of each piece.  He wanted to be sure he'd done everything he could to capture her heart.  He was an artist, and he was using this as a way to harness his talent in an edible way.

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