Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Book Covers

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” – American Proverb

INSTRUCTIONS:  Think about the proverb above.  Is it good advice?  Is there ever a good time to form an opinion about someone based on their outward appearance?  What do you think if you see an old man with a scraggly beard wearing grungy flannel outside 7-Eleven?  Do you think, maybe he works outdoors and that jacket is really warm, or do you think he must be a bum?  What about the other way around?  When you see someone in a flashy car or with an expensive purse, do you think they must be really rich and awesome?  Are there times that you think you should judge people’s appearances for your own safety?  Write at least 3 sentences telling whether or not it’s okay to judge a book by its cover.  Include at least one TAKS Word of the Day.  Then click Publish Post, and you’re done.

Ms. Davis’s Answer:

I think this proverb really means don’t judge a person’s character based on what they are wearing, and I agree, you shouldn’t do that.  But there are times when someone’s outward appearance is the first sign of danger or distress, and the judgment is the natural effect of that appearance.  In a time when I feel concerned about my safety, I’ll make a snap judgment just to be careful.

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