Sunday, January 30, 2011

Should We Spare the Rod?

It's an ethical dilemma.  Ethics is branch of philosophy that discusses concepts such as good and bad, right and wrong, justice, and virtue.  A dilemma is a situation with two or more possible outcomes, none of which is necessarily 100% good.  The phrase "between a rock and a hard place" describes a dilemma.  Some common topics of ethical dilemmas in the US today are abortion, drug legalization (specifically marijuana), and immigration.  Another one is whether or not parents (and other guardians) should use physical force in raising children.  Many agree that too much force is wrong and call it abuse, but where should the line be drawn? Opponents say spanking instills fear, not understanding, and sets up a loop of abuse.  Proponents say "Spare the rod, spoil the child," meaning that if a child isn't spanked, he won't mind, and will become spoiled. What do you think?

INSTRUCTIONS: Tell whether or not you think parents should whip their children as a means of discipline.   Write at least 3 sentences, and use at least one TAKS Word of the Day, and underline it.  Then click Publish Post, and you're done.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I do not think children should be disciplined using force.  I think hitting a child is the easiest way for parents to eliminate the immediate problem, but it's not the most effective way.  Taking the time to set a precedent and enforcing rules and expectations consistently teaches the child what to do and what not to do, while beating only teaches the child to fear the parent. 

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