Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Story Time, The Sequel

On your last blog, you wrote a short story using TAKS Words of the Day.  Now write a sequel, a Part 2 to your earlier story, using 3 more TAKS Words of the Day.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post (or if your blog is in Microsoft Word, open a new document).  Continue the story you began in the last blog in some way.  Did your previous story lack a conclusion?  Use this as a chance to wrap it up.  Would you like to add some details before what happened in the first part of the story?  Write a pre-quel (a sequel that comes before the original chronologically).  Or perhaps your first story would be easy to continue indefinitely.  Go for it.  Use your brain creatively.  This time, your story must be at least 7 sentences long.  Use 3 different TAKS WODs than you used in the first story.  Underline them.  You may change the title of the post to fit your story if you want.  Then add at least one picture to illustrate it.  When you are finished, click Publish Post.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

The night of the party was finally here.  Susie had worked continuously on the dress for weeks, meticulously measuring the dimensions of each piece of fabric and sewing them together very carefully.  "It's no Prada gown," she thought, "but at least I can say I made it myself.  At least I completed something, terrible as it may be." 

She stepped slowly down each step of the winding staircase to finally show Jack her finished product.  As she inched down the 5th stair, she heard the most terrifying sound she could imagine - the sound of fabric ripping!

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