Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Zodiac Sign

What is your zodiac sign?  What are the traits associated with that sign?  Do you possess those traits?  Do you believe in astrology?  Did your sign change when the astrological charts were realigned recently?  What do you think about that?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Answer the questions above.  Tell why you do or do not believe in astrology.  Write at least 5 sentences, and include at least one TAKS WOD.  When you are finished, click Publish Post.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

My zodiac sign is Aries, the sign of the Ram.  Aries are said to be  "masculine" (I hope not), neurotic/task-oriented (definitely me), positive/extrovert (this describes me as well) sign. And they say Aries like to be first since it is the first sign of the zodiac. True story.  I do believe that astrology probably has a little truth to it, because it is derived from real star charts, but I don't live and die by it.  My sign did change to Pisces, but people are saying that you don't have to change your sign unless you were born after 2009.  I'm glad because even though I'm not that into it, I feel attached to the Ram.

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