Monday, May 9, 2011

Cartoon Characters

If you were a cartoon character, who would you be, and why?  Insert a picture or a video of your cartoon doppelganger. 

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I would be Lois Griffin from Family Guy.  I used to have the same haircut as she does, a bob, and my friends think I have the same sloping nose.  It's okay with me because I kind of love her.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Extra Lyrics

1. Not constituting a vital element or part.
2. Inessential or unrelated to the topic or matter at hand; irrelevant.
Extraneous means that it's something extra, something not 100% necessary, something that could be thinned out or pared down quite a bit. The guy in the video is great at adding extraneous lyrics to popular songs and singing them perfectly to the beat.  We're going to do the same thing with some of our favorite songs.
Choose a song you like - it must be a song you can find the lyrics to online (so it can't be a song you made up or one with indiscernible lyrics).  Use AZLyrics or MetroLyrics to find the song.  Then copy and paste the lyrics into your blog - TWICE.  Once to show the Original Lyrics, and another time for you to show the new, improved Extraneous Lyrics.  Use at least 1 verse or 1 chorus.  You can use the Thesaurus to look for other words that mean the same thing.  This is sort of like what Weird Al Yankovich does, but you also want to use really long, big words. 
Ms. Davis's Answer:
Song: Britney Spears Till The World Ends
Original Lyrics:
This kitten got your tongue tied in knots I see
Spit it out cuz im dying for company
I notice that you got it
You notice that I want it
You know that I can take it to the next level ba-by!
If you want this good sh*t
Sicker than the remix
Baby let me blow your mind tonight
Extraneous Lyrics:
This offspring of a feline has that muscle in your  mouth with the tastebuds on it twisted I can view with my eyes,
Say what you want to say because I'm about to expire because I'm lonely,
I acknowledge that you have possession of it
You acknowledge that I desire it
You are aware that I can elevate it to the higher plane, young child

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden is Dead

Last night, President Barack Obama announced that Osama Bin Laden, the head of Al Qaeda, the terrorist organization responsible for the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001, had been killed and that the American forces had possession of his body.  This ended a search that some thought might never end.

Think back to September 11, 2001.  What do you remember about that day?  How old were you?  It was a Tuesday, so most of us were at school or on the way to school.  Do you remember how you felt?  Do you remember hearing a lot about it, or was it just another day?  Tell about your day on September 11, 2001.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I was a sophomore in college, and since it was the beginning of the year, my roommate and I had not gotten the cable connected yet.  My mom called to wake me up after the first tower had been hit.  Or maybe after it fell.  I remember listening to the coverage on the radio through static and hearing coverage of the second tower falling, and everyone realizing that this wasn't an accident.  Everyone was terribly sad and very afraid.  Many people went to donate blood that ended up not being needed because no one who was at Ground Zero lived.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Watch the video Ostrich Attacks Kid on Pony.  What was your most memorable experience with an animal, as a child or recently?

Ms. Davis's Answer:

My best animal memory was when a group of my friends and I took a road trip up to Oklahoma the summer after graduation.  There were 2 cars full of us, and we went up to Turner Falls one day, and then to Arbuckle Wilderness, the drive-through petting zoo, the next day.  We were in a small car, and our friends were in an open-top jeep behind us as we drove through the park.  You could buy feed and the animals would come right up to your car and you could feed them.  Mostly it was deer, ostriches, emus, and pretty docile animals, but there were signs everywhere about the zebras.  "Do Not Feed The Zebras!  They Bite!"  They really were everywhere.  About halfway through the park, there was a little hut where you could buy more feed if you already fed all the greed emus along the way, so as we are stopped, I lean out the window and yell back to my friend Jimmy in the Jeep behind us "This lady says the zebras are really sweet and we should try to feed them if we can!" 

Fast forward to 3 minutes later when Jimmy gets nipped on his hand by a zebra.  Hilarious.  Why would he listen to me when there were signs everywhere?  And the lady selling the feed didn't say anything even though she heard what I said.  Ha ha.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Watch the video of Lil Buck improvising to world famous cellist Yo Yo Ma at an event to bring arts back into schools.  Do you think this qualifies as 'art'? Sure, it is neat to watch, but what does this add to the quality of our lives?  Some might say it doesn't put food on the table. Do you think arts should be emphasized more now in schools?  Why or why not?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I think that the benefits of arts education are not so easily quantified by "what does this add to our lives?" and "how will this pay the bills?"  Watching the unbelievable motions the human body (something everyone possesses) is capable of is mind-altering in a way that learning the geography of the US is not, and vice versa.  Since feelings and ideas and thoughts are not tangible, people can overlook their value, but it exists nonetheless.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Watch the video of the President of the Czech Republic stealthily slipping the commemorative pen into his pocket.  Pretty funny.  It's only a pen, right?

Have you ever stolen something, and what did you steal? Do you think it matters how big the item is that you steal? Did you end up getting caught? If you got caught, what was your punishment? Do you regret that you stole? 

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I stole a cookies 'n' cream ice cream sandwich in the lunch line in 2nd grade.  When I got to the front of the line, the lunch lady asked me about it, and I gave it to her.  I was SO embarrassed and super worried about what my parents would do.  This was on a Friday, and the teacher sent home a note about it for my parents to sign, and I waited the whole long, worrisome weekend before finally confessing on Sunday night.  I don't even remember what my punishment was.  I think my mom probably knew that I had punished myself more than she ever could already.  I do regret that I stole because I could have just asked my mom for a quarter for ice cream.  I have no idea why not.  I think that even though a thief is a thief, obviously the theft of something very valuable is worse than stealing an ice cream.