Thursday, April 14, 2011


Watch the video of the President of the Czech Republic stealthily slipping the commemorative pen into his pocket.  Pretty funny.  It's only a pen, right?

Have you ever stolen something, and what did you steal? Do you think it matters how big the item is that you steal? Did you end up getting caught? If you got caught, what was your punishment? Do you regret that you stole? 

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I stole a cookies 'n' cream ice cream sandwich in the lunch line in 2nd grade.  When I got to the front of the line, the lunch lady asked me about it, and I gave it to her.  I was SO embarrassed and super worried about what my parents would do.  This was on a Friday, and the teacher sent home a note about it for my parents to sign, and I waited the whole long, worrisome weekend before finally confessing on Sunday night.  I don't even remember what my punishment was.  I think my mom probably knew that I had punished myself more than she ever could already.  I do regret that I stole because I could have just asked my mom for a quarter for ice cream.  I have no idea why not.  I think that even though a thief is a thief, obviously the theft of something very valuable is worse than stealing an ice cream.

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