Monday, April 25, 2011


Watch the video Ostrich Attacks Kid on Pony.  What was your most memorable experience with an animal, as a child or recently?

Ms. Davis's Answer:

My best animal memory was when a group of my friends and I took a road trip up to Oklahoma the summer after graduation.  There were 2 cars full of us, and we went up to Turner Falls one day, and then to Arbuckle Wilderness, the drive-through petting zoo, the next day.  We were in a small car, and our friends were in an open-top jeep behind us as we drove through the park.  You could buy feed and the animals would come right up to your car and you could feed them.  Mostly it was deer, ostriches, emus, and pretty docile animals, but there were signs everywhere about the zebras.  "Do Not Feed The Zebras!  They Bite!"  They really were everywhere.  About halfway through the park, there was a little hut where you could buy more feed if you already fed all the greed emus along the way, so as we are stopped, I lean out the window and yell back to my friend Jimmy in the Jeep behind us "This lady says the zebras are really sweet and we should try to feed them if we can!" 

Fast forward to 3 minutes later when Jimmy gets nipped on his hand by a zebra.  Hilarious.  Why would he listen to me when there were signs everywhere?  And the lady selling the feed didn't say anything even though she heard what I said.  Ha ha.

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