Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Best Friends Forever!

Watch the video Best Friends Forever about the orangutan and the hound dog who were instant best friends.  Think about your best friend.  It can be your current best friend, or someone you were best friends with a long time ago, and it doesn't even have to be a human being (remember, the orangutan and the dog weren't the same species).  What is their name?  How did you meet him or her?  Tell 3 things you like about this person.  Tell 3 things you like to do together.  What is one way you wish you were more like them?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
Marcus was my best friend when I lived in Korea.  We were instant best friends like the animals in the video.  We met in Seoul on our first weekend in Korea at New Teacher Orientation.  Marcus is from North Carolina and is really funny.  He's a brilliant beat-poet and well-liked by everyone.  He is great with a microphone in his hand.  We did everything together (no - we were not dating at all), met up for dinners with friends, traveled to Thailand with another one of our friends, and we wrote his stand-up comedy routine together.  I wish I was as bold and brave as Marcus is - he can command people's attention onstage and I have always had stage-fright.  That's probably why I like him so much, because I admire him.

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