Thursday, April 21, 2011


Watch the video of Lil Buck improvising to world famous cellist Yo Yo Ma at an event to bring arts back into schools.  Do you think this qualifies as 'art'? Sure, it is neat to watch, but what does this add to the quality of our lives?  Some might say it doesn't put food on the table. Do you think arts should be emphasized more now in schools?  Why or why not?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I think that the benefits of arts education are not so easily quantified by "what does this add to our lives?" and "how will this pay the bills?"  Watching the unbelievable motions the human body (something everyone possesses) is capable of is mind-altering in a way that learning the geography of the US is not, and vice versa.  Since feelings and ideas and thoughts are not tangible, people can overlook their value, but it exists nonetheless.

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