Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Smart Pictures 1

In your last blog, you wrote 5 sentences using the TAKS Words of the Day for this week (if you have not completed your last blog, you must do that first).  Today, let's insert pictures to illustrate your 5 sentences.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click Edit Post.  Then click Edit Post to edit your last blog Smart Words 1.  Use Google to search for 5 pictures to go with your sentences.  Click on the Insert Image button on the Blogger toolbar and post the pictures under each sentence.  Then click Publish Post, and you're finished.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

1. The rain yesterday was crazy; it was a continuous downpour for 3 hours.

2. The prosecutor's evidence contradicted the evidence given by the defense.

3. If every person in this class contributes $3, we will have enough to buy Christmas gifts for an entire family.

4. My contribution will be $20 since I am a teacher and I can afford to give more.

5. Battery acid is so corrosive it will eat through your jeans in 30 seconds if you spill it on you.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Smart Words 1

Okay Explorers, now that we've all had some time to settle into this class, our blogs will start to focus on TAKS vocabulary words.  These are words frequently used on the TAKS test, so it's important to know them.  Plus knowing them will make you sound even smarter.  :) 

We have 5 TAKS WODs (Words of the Day) each week, and they are posted on the green wall to the left of the clock. We will begin each class by learning their meanings and pronunciations, and then we'll practice using them.


Each TAKS WOD will be posted on the class website (go to TAKS WODs on the right side under Labels) along with the definition and a sentence using the word, but if you want a more detailed definition, you can go to Dictionary.com to look up the word.  A complete list of TAKS WODs can be found in the TAKS WOD binder on Ms. Davis's desk.

Another good way to figure out what words mean is to use a Thesaurus.  A Thesaurus gives you a list of words that mean the same or nearly the same as your word.  You can use Thesaurus.com.

Not sure how to say a word?  Go How J Say to find out.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Title the post Smart Words.  Type one sentence using each of this week's TAKS WODs.  Number the sentences 1 - 5 and Underline the TAKS WOD in each sentence.  You may not use the same sentence given in the example.  You must write an entirely new sentence.

Ms. Davis's Answers are on the wall under TAKS WOD.


Eating away at something; eroding/errosive

Batter acid is so corrosive it will eat through your jeans in 30 seconds if you spill it on you.


To give; to donate

If every person in the class contributes $3.00, we will have enough to buy Christmas gifts for an entire family.


The act of giving; what is contributed

My contribution will be $20.00 since I am a teacher and I can afford to give more.


To go against

The prosecutor's evidence contradicted the evidence given by the defense.


Uninterrupted in time; ongoing

The rain yesterday was crazy; it was a continuous downpour for 3 hours.

Monday, November 22, 2010

I am Thankful

Too often we do not express gratitude for the things we have.  Thanksgiving is a good reminder once a year that we have many things to be thankful for.  What things are you thankful for?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Please list 10 things you are thankful for.  These can be things you have, people you know, talents you possess, or intangible things like love or freedom.  When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you are finished.

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I am thankful for...
  1. Getting to do something I love for my job every day.
  2. Having such awesome students to make that job fun.
  3. The amazing Universe we inhabit.
  4. Living in a time when equality for all is not out of reach.
  5. Having printers in my classroom.
  6. Having such a great family that I like hanging out with.
  7. The Cowboys and the Wranglers winning this weekend!
  8. The Rangers going to the World Series!
  9. Sweet tea.
  10. Sunshine.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Today Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 debuts in theaters.  This is the first episode of the epic 2-part movie based on the seventh book in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.  The series follows Harry, who has just learned that he is a wizard and that there is an entire wizarding world that non-magical people do not know about, as he attends Hogwart's School of Magic to learn the things he needs be a great wizard.  There are several types of magic used in the wizarding world, charms - spoken spells, potions - a mixture brewed in a cauldron that has a magical effect on the drinker, transfiguration - changing one object into another entirely different thing, apparating - magically moving from one place to another instantaneously, divination - telling the future, flying on broomsticks, and several more.  If you could do magic, what would you do?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Tell me what 3 magical talents or skills you would choose if you could.  They do not have to be from Harry Potter, anything magic will do.   Why would you choose these 3?  Then click Publish Post, and you are finished!

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I would choose apparation, so I would never have to wait in line at the airport.  And I would choose transfiguration because then I would never have to look for anything, I could just change it into whatever I wanted.  And I would choose potions because I like to cook.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pet Peeves

What are the things that really get on your nerves?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  List 3 things that are your 'pet peeves', things that bother you, and why.  Then click Publish Post, and you're finished!

Ms. Davis's Answer:

My 3 Pet Peeves are:
1. Whining.  I say, "Quit whining and get past it.  It is up to you to do something to make it better."
2. When people leave empty containers in the fridge instead of throwing them away.
3. Misplacing things.  I hate wasting time looking for my phone or my keys, so I always try to put them in the same place every time, but I don't always remember.

Friday, November 12, 2010

European Union

What is the European Union?  What countries make up the EU?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger and click New Post.  Use Google.com or any other search engine to find out what the European Union is.  Then list 10 of the countries in the EU.  Click Publish Post, and you're finished!

The European Union is ...

10 Countries that are in the EU are

Sunday, November 7, 2010

More Money More Problems

Where is another country you dream of traveling to?  Do you know what the currency is in that country?  Will you need to convert currency to spend when you go there?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Tell me another country where you'd like to go.  What is the currency in that country?  Use your own knowledge,  Google.com, or any othe rinternet search engine to answer the following questions:

1. What does "currency" mean?
2. What does "convert currency" mean?
3. Where is a country you want to go to, or have gone to before?  What is the currency in that country?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
1. Currency is the form of tangible money used in a location, such as paper and coins.
2. Converting currency is exchanging forms of currency between two countries.  For example, when you go to the UK, you may exchange American dollars for British pounds.
3. One country I have been to is Korea, and when I was there I used the Korean Won.  When I traveled to Thailand I exchanged Korean Won for Thai Baht at the Bangkok airport.

1,000  10,000 and 5,000 Korean Won

Thai Baht bills and coins