Sunday, November 28, 2010

Smart Words 1

Okay Explorers, now that we've all had some time to settle into this class, our blogs will start to focus on TAKS vocabulary words.  These are words frequently used on the TAKS test, so it's important to know them.  Plus knowing them will make you sound even smarter.  :) 

We have 5 TAKS WODs (Words of the Day) each week, and they are posted on the green wall to the left of the clock. We will begin each class by learning their meanings and pronunciations, and then we'll practice using them.


Each TAKS WOD will be posted on the class website (go to TAKS WODs on the right side under Labels) along with the definition and a sentence using the word, but if you want a more detailed definition, you can go to to look up the word.  A complete list of TAKS WODs can be found in the TAKS WOD binder on Ms. Davis's desk.

Another good way to figure out what words mean is to use a Thesaurus.  A Thesaurus gives you a list of words that mean the same or nearly the same as your word.  You can use

Not sure how to say a word?  Go How J Say to find out.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Title the post Smart Words.  Type one sentence using each of this week's TAKS WODs.  Number the sentences 1 - 5 and Underline the TAKS WOD in each sentence.  You may not use the same sentence given in the example.  You must write an entirely new sentence.

Ms. Davis's Answers are on the wall under TAKS WOD.

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