Thursday, November 18, 2010


Today Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 debuts in theaters.  This is the first episode of the epic 2-part movie based on the seventh book in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.  The series follows Harry, who has just learned that he is a wizard and that there is an entire wizarding world that non-magical people do not know about, as he attends Hogwart's School of Magic to learn the things he needs be a great wizard.  There are several types of magic used in the wizarding world, charms - spoken spells, potions - a mixture brewed in a cauldron that has a magical effect on the drinker, transfiguration - changing one object into another entirely different thing, apparating - magically moving from one place to another instantaneously, divination - telling the future, flying on broomsticks, and several more.  If you could do magic, what would you do?

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Tell me what 3 magical talents or skills you would choose if you could.  They do not have to be from Harry Potter, anything magic will do.   Why would you choose these 3?  Then click Publish Post, and you are finished!

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I would choose apparation, so I would never have to wait in line at the airport.  And I would choose transfiguration because then I would never have to look for anything, I could just change it into whatever I wanted.  And I would choose potions because I like to cook.

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