Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Smart Pictures 2

In your last blog, you wrote 5 sentences using the TAKS Words of the Day for this week (if you have not completed your last blog, you must do that first).  Today, let's insert pictures to illustrate your 5 sentences.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click Edit Post.  Then click Edit Post to edit your last blog Smart Words 1.  Use Google Images to search for 5 pictures to go with your sentences.  Click on the Insert Image button on the Blogger toolbar and post the pictures under each sentence.  Then click Publish Post, and you're finished.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

1. Everyone is always complaining about the budget deficit – our country spends more money than it takes in, so there is a shortage of funds.

2. The demographics of the US population are wide-ranging and various; South Korea, by contrast, is 98% native Korean.

3. In his music, Kid Cudi depicts himself as a loner, but on How to Make It in America, he’s a popular, happy guy.

4. I paid a deposit for my new apartment so they would know I was serious about moving in.

5. The face cream is derived from fresh papaya seeds to help fight wrinkles.

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