Friday, December 3, 2010

Smart Poem 1

This week you have written sentences about 5 words and then you added pictures to illustrate those sentences.  Now let's do something a little more artistic and intellectual.  Write a poem using 1 of this week's Smart Words.  The word you use is your choice.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, log in to Blogger, and click New Post.  Title the post Smart Poem 1.  Write any kind of poem (I wrote an Acrostic poem) using one of the 5 Smart Words for the week.  If you don't know what to write, a good one to try is a Cinquain.  You may write any kind of poem, not necessarily rhyming, as long as it contains 1 Smart Word.  When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Ms. Davis's Answer:

C andy was sweet, just like her name.
O ften she would start a fight and then fan the flame.
R icky couldn't see past the sparkle in her eyes.
R icky would do anything for she who he idolized.
O ne day Candy got upset
S he needed someone to call her pet
I didn't see it, but everyone says
V itriol spit through her throat
E ating away at his heart, that was all she wrote.

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