Thursday, December 9, 2010

Smart Poem 2

This week you have written sentences about 5 words and then you added pictures to illustrate those sentences.  Now let's do something a little more artistic and intellectual.  Write a poem using at least one of this week's Smart Words.  The word you use is your choice.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, log in to Blogger, and click New Post.  Title the post Smart Poem 2.  Write any kind of poem using one of the 5 Smart Words for the week.  I wrote a Cinquain (pronounced like sin-cane).  You may write any kind of poem, not necessarily rhyming, as long as it contains one Smart Word.  When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Ms. Davis's Answer:

Petty, childish.
People playing games,
Depicting friends as enemies.

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