Friday, December 17, 2010

Happy Holidays, Explorers!

I have absolutely loved teaching all of you this semester.  It was fun, exciting, and sometimes frantic few months.  Thank you for making the year so wonderful for me. 

Hope you have a happy and restful holiday break.  See you next year!

Looking forward to 2011 (but not too much),

Ms. Davis

Be Uniquely You

Don't let anyone tell you that you have to be a certain way.  Be unique.  Be how you feel. - Melissa Etheridge

Monday, December 13, 2010


To make known, reveal, or uncover

The court documents did not disclose the name of the victim because she wanted to remain unknown.


Measurement in length, width, and thickness

The dimensions of my cabinet are about 4' x 3.5' x 2'.


Enlargement or reduction

A dilation is a way to transform an image that produces an image that is the same shape as the original, but a different size.


To mark differently from other things.

Mrs. Ramsey's vibrant red hair differentiates her from others in the hallway.


To have discovered something

I detected a strong scent of cinnamon as I walked into the kitchen.

Smart Words 3


Each TAKS WOD will be posted on the class website (go to TAKS WODs on the right side under Labels) along with the definition and a sentence using the word, but if you want a more detailed definition, you can go to to look up the word.  A complete list of TAKS WODs can be found in the TAKS WOD binder on Ms. Davis's desk.

Another good way to figure out what words mean is to use a Thesaurus.  A Thesaurus gives you a list of words that mean the same or nearly the same as your word.  You can use

Not sure how to say a word?  Go How J Say to find out.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Title the post Smart Words.  Type one sentence using each of this week's TAKS WODs.  Number the sentences 1 - 5 and Underline the TAKS WOD in each sentence.  You may not use the same sentence given in the example.  You must write an entirely new sentence.

Ms. Davis's Answers are on the wall under TAKS WOD.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Smart Poem 2

This week you have written sentences about 5 words and then you added pictures to illustrate those sentences.  Now let's do something a little more artistic and intellectual.  Write a poem using at least one of this week's Smart Words.  The word you use is your choice.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, log in to Blogger, and click New Post.  Title the post Smart Poem 2.  Write any kind of poem using one of the 5 Smart Words for the week.  I wrote a Cinquain (pronounced like sin-cane).  You may write any kind of poem, not necessarily rhyming, as long as it contains one Smart Word.  When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Ms. Davis's Answer:

Petty, childish.
People playing games,
Depicting friends as enemies.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Smart Pictures 2

In your last blog, you wrote 5 sentences using the TAKS Words of the Day for this week (if you have not completed your last blog, you must do that first).  Today, let's insert pictures to illustrate your 5 sentences.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click Edit Post.  Then click Edit Post to edit your last blog Smart Words 1.  Use Google Images to search for 5 pictures to go with your sentences.  Click on the Insert Image button on the Blogger toolbar and post the pictures under each sentence.  Then click Publish Post, and you're finished.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

1. Everyone is always complaining about the budget deficit – our country spends more money than it takes in, so there is a shortage of funds.

2. The demographics of the US population are wide-ranging and various; South Korea, by contrast, is 98% native Korean.

3. In his music, Kid Cudi depicts himself as a loner, but on How to Make It in America, he’s a popular, happy guy.

4. I paid a deposit for my new apartment so they would know I was serious about moving in.

5. The face cream is derived from fresh papaya seeds to help fight wrinkles.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Smart Words 2


Each TAKS WOD will be posted on the class website (go to TAKS WODs on the right side under Labels) along with the definition and a sentence using the word, but if you want a more detailed definition, you can go to to look up the word.  A complete list of TAKS WODs can be found in the TAKS WOD binder on Ms. Davis's desk.

Another good way to figure out what words mean is to use a Thesaurus.  A Thesaurus gives you a list of words that mean the same or nearly the same as your word.  You can use

Not sure how to say a word?  Go How J Say to find out.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Title the post Smart Words.  Type one sentence using each of this week's TAKS WODs.  Number the sentences 1 - 5 and Underline the TAKS WOD in each sentence.  You may not use the same sentence given in the example.  You must write an entirely new sentence.

Ms. Davis's Answers are on the wall under TAKS WOD.

Friday, December 3, 2010


To receive or obtain from a source

The face cream is derived from fresh papaya seeds to help fight wrinkles.


To give as security or in part payment; to put into

I paid a deposit for my new apartment so they would know I was serious about moving in.


To represent or characterize in words; to describe

In his music, Kid Cudi depicts himself as a loner, but on How to Make It in America, he’s a popular, happy guy.


The statistical data of a population, especially showing average age, income, education, etc.

The demographics of the US population are wide-ranging and various; South Korea, by contrast, is 98% native Korean.


A lack or shortage; a deficiency

Everyone is always complaining about the budget deficit – our country spends more money than it takes in, so there is a shortage of funds.

Smart Poem 1

This week you have written sentences about 5 words and then you added pictures to illustrate those sentences.  Now let's do something a little more artistic and intellectual.  Write a poem using 1 of this week's Smart Words.  The word you use is your choice.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, log in to Blogger, and click New Post.  Title the post Smart Poem 1.  Write any kind of poem (I wrote an Acrostic poem) using one of the 5 Smart Words for the week.  If you don't know what to write, a good one to try is a Cinquain.  You may write any kind of poem, not necessarily rhyming, as long as it contains 1 Smart Word.  When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Ms. Davis's Answer:

C andy was sweet, just like her name.
O ften she would start a fight and then fan the flame.
R icky couldn't see past the sparkle in her eyes.
R icky would do anything for she who he idolized.
O ne day Candy got upset
S he needed someone to call her pet
I didn't see it, but everyone says
V itriol spit through her throat
E ating away at his heart, that was all she wrote.