Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Want The Gold

You can find the Leprechaun news video and the Leprechaun rap song in the JDavis2/Videos folder.

Watch the video of the Mobile, AL residents who believe there is a leprechaun in their town.  This video went viral in 2006, and was one of the first viral videos to spawn a spoof song.  What is your favorite thing about the video?  Who is the craziest person?  What is the craziest superstition that you believe in or that someone you know believes in?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
My favorite person in the video is the guy who has the flute that's "thousands of years old", passed down to him by his great, great grandfather (100's of years old, maybe) who was Irish.  And the lady who thinks it's a crackhead. I can't think of any crazy superstitions... I kind of all think they're all crazy. :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

It's Fun to do Bad Things

Watch the video of Latarian Milton, the 7-year-old who stole his grandmother's car and went joyriding. 

What is the worst thing you ever did as a kid?  Was it as bad as stealing a car and wrecking it several times?  I promise I won't tell!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Friday by Rebecca Black video

Rebecca Black became an overnight sensation with her cheesy song Friday, after the song appeared on Tosh.0.  It has spawned several spoof videos Conan's here, and now after being the butt of the joke for barely a week, people are showing her support, and she has become sort of a underdog hero.

People mock the song for its terrible, mundane lyrics and for her nasal voice.  Here are some of the lyrics:

We could write better lyrics than this in one class period.  So, that is what we are going to do.  You can use the tune and the layout of the lyrics above, but change words strategically to make them about your Friday.  Write at least 1 Verse and one Chorus.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

6am, waking up in the morning
Gotta get cute gotta fix my hair
Gotta have my giant Sonic Coke
Seein' every kid, their shirts untucked
Make them tuck 'em in, "Don't be tardy!"
Gotta make it through just 3 more classes,
Gotta show 'em how to crop Clipart (or Pictures)

It's Friday, Friday, teaching BIM on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
It's Friday, Friday, teaching BIM on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend

For the lyrics to Rebecca Black's Friday:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bed Intruder

News Video

Bed Intruder Song

Antoine Dodson became an internet sensation last summer after this video, and a subsequent music video revolving around the incident, went viral.  This is a serious story that took a twist into humorous territory, and the Dodson family ended up making so much money off iTunes sales of the Bed Intruder Song that they were able to move out of the projects.

Have you ever heard the expression "All's well that ends well"?  What do you think it means?  Do you think it's true?  Can you think of any examples in your life where all was well that ended well?

Ms. Davis's Answer:

To me, "all's well that ends well" means that even if some bad things happened, in the end, the good outweighed the bad.  Or that you tend to think about something positively if the whole thing ended well, ignoring the bad parts.  I think it is true, definitely, especially because I always do try to look at things positively.  One example of "All's well that ends well" is when I went to the beach for the 4th of July a few years ago, and it rained the whole weekend, but my friends and I had so much fun together, goofing around doing other indoor things that I didn't consider the whole trip a loss.  

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Charlie Bit Me

Schadenfreude - a German word that means pleasure derived from the misfortune of others. Pronunciation here.

Watch the video Charlie Bit My finger.  This was overwhelmingly the video that got the most suggestions on the blog from last class.  Even as a baby, Charlie gets a giggle when his brother screams in pain.  Can you think of a time when you have felt happiness from someone else's pain or injury?  Think about someone you don't like.  If something bad happened to him or her, how would that make you feel?  Does it matter how much you dislike the person, or how bad the thing is that happens?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I really do try to never have the feeling of schadenfreude, although sometimes I do feel that people get what's coming to them.  I guess if I feel like someone deserves for a bad thing to happen, I feel a sense of justice when it does.  But really, who am I to judge?  Of course, if it is someone truly evil, I will cheer for their unhappiness.  Or if my team's rival loses a game to someone else, I will still be happy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Viral Video

Viral Video: A video clip on the internet, often humerous, that moves from person to person via email and websites, like a virus.

For the rest of the year, we will have a "Video of the Day" that we'll blog about.  These videos should be less than 5 minutes long, and I will create the blog topics.  I know it can be hard for you to find things on the internet because of the school's filters, but if you know of a video you've seen before, put it in your post.  These can be funny, inspirational, scary, sad, or crazy.  I will be the judge of whether or not the videos are appropriate, so please don't waste my time with videos I'm not going to show the class.  Unless they're really hilarious.

Please give me as many as you can come up with.  :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Most Embarrassing Moment

The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.  -Douglas Engelbart

What is your most embarrassing moment?  Or, if it's too terrible to share, tell one about a friend, or one you heard from somebody else. Give as many details as you can.  Try to put the reader there with you.  When did it happen?  What was the setting?  How old were you when it happened?  Are you able to laugh about it now?

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I was looking for houses with my friend one day in college, and we saw this cute little house by a bakery!  I just love cake, and I love baking. We opened the door and started looking around.  I loved how comfortable the place was, and I wondered at the boxes piled agains the wall.  

All of a sudden this lady with a laundry basket came in and said, "What are you doing in my house?!"

It turned out that the owner of the house had just moved in.  She was only there to lock it up,  and she had forgotten to take the for sale sign off the lawn.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


"Give me liberty, or give me death."- George Washington 

What is your motto in life?  (Motto: a brief statement used to express a principle, goal, or ideal.)  What are your words to live by? Some famous mottos can be found at  You may also use a line from a favorite song or movie, or something you have read in a book.  Tell your motto, and then give a brief explanation of why you chose this.  You may also insert a picture.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

Thoughts become things, so choose the good ones.

I am a big believer in quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, and like attracts like.  I believe that my thoughts create my world, so I always try to think positively and look at things with a good attitude.