Thursday, March 10, 2011

Charlie Bit Me

Schadenfreude - a German word that means pleasure derived from the misfortune of others. Pronunciation here.

Watch the video Charlie Bit My finger.  This was overwhelmingly the video that got the most suggestions on the blog from last class.  Even as a baby, Charlie gets a giggle when his brother screams in pain.  Can you think of a time when you have felt happiness from someone else's pain or injury?  Think about someone you don't like.  If something bad happened to him or her, how would that make you feel?  Does it matter how much you dislike the person, or how bad the thing is that happens?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I really do try to never have the feeling of schadenfreude, although sometimes I do feel that people get what's coming to them.  I guess if I feel like someone deserves for a bad thing to happen, I feel a sense of justice when it does.  But really, who am I to judge?  Of course, if it is someone truly evil, I will cheer for their unhappiness.  Or if my team's rival loses a game to someone else, I will still be happy.

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