Friday, March 4, 2011

Most Embarrassing Moment

The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.  -Douglas Engelbart

What is your most embarrassing moment?  Or, if it's too terrible to share, tell one about a friend, or one you heard from somebody else. Give as many details as you can.  Try to put the reader there with you.  When did it happen?  What was the setting?  How old were you when it happened?  Are you able to laugh about it now?

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I was looking for houses with my friend one day in college, and we saw this cute little house by a bakery!  I just love cake, and I love baking. We opened the door and started looking around.  I loved how comfortable the place was, and I wondered at the boxes piled agains the wall.  

All of a sudden this lady with a laundry basket came in and said, "What are you doing in my house?!"

It turned out that the owner of the house had just moved in.  She was only there to lock it up,  and she had forgotten to take the for sale sign off the lawn.

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