Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Viral Video

Viral Video: A video clip on the internet, often humerous, that moves from person to person via email and websites, like a virus.

For the rest of the year, we will have a "Video of the Day" that we'll blog about.  These videos should be less than 5 minutes long, and I will create the blog topics.  I know it can be hard for you to find things on the internet because of the school's filters, but if you know of a video you've seen before, put it in your post.  These can be funny, inspirational, scary, sad, or crazy.  I will be the judge of whether or not the videos are appropriate, so please don't waste my time with videos I'm not going to show the class.  Unless they're really hilarious.

Please give me as many as you can come up with.  :)

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