Monday, September 6, 2010

Dinner for Three

This is a popular party game.  If you could have dinner with 3 people, alive or dead, fictional or historical, at the same time, who would you have dinner with, why would you choose them, and (most importantly) where would you eat?

Ms. Davis's Answer: I would have dinner with Barack Obama, Gandhi, and my Dad, and we would eat Thanksgiving dinner at my Granny's house.  I would choose President Obama and Gandhi because they are both heroes of mine, and I would choose my Dad so I could see him one more time.  Plus he would think it was really cool to meet President Obama and Gandhi.

INSTRUCTIONS:  Open a new tab, log into Blogger, and click New Post.  Tell which 3 people you would have dinner with and where you would eat.  Your blog title will be Dinner for Three.  When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Please use complete sentences and correct punctuation and spelling.  Do not use all caps or all lowercase.


  1. Dinner for three
    If I could have a dinner with any three persons , I would like to have dinner with Bob Marley , my grandpa, my friend Gustavo , because this people is really important in my life, the have changed some area of my life.
    For example Bob Marley is a person who I admire, because I like what he tried to do with his music and I like the way he was. My grandpa, I could not have the pleasure to meet him in person , but I know he was an intelligent person , and he was really funny . by the other hand my friend Gustavo is the one who changed the way I thought and made me a strong person and supported me a lot , and he told me I have to be multicultural , in order to be a better person.
    The three people I chose was because they three like or liked the sea, beach, and nature. This means I would like to eat dinner with them in the beach.

  2. My Dinner of Three I would choose is Trey Songz Marilyn Monroe and Alicia Keys.Because I would love to meet those people i love the way Marilyn Monroe is.She is a bad girl and she is so beautiful so is Alicia Keys.I love TREY SONGZ so much we would probly would eat at hooter or sumwere were they sell hot wingz cuz i love hot wingz

  3. I would choose, my mom, dad, and sister, because that is my family and I can eat with them ALL DAY EVERYDAY =)we would eat at Red Lobster. We love it there

  4. Mi dinner wuld b wid ms jasmine up der.
