Monday, September 6, 2010

Three Good Things

"If you have to support yourself, you had bloody well better find some way that is going to be interesting." - Katherine Hepburn

Most of us do have to support ourselves, but many people do not find their work to be enjoyable or interesting.  However, those who do enjoy the work they do can hardly call it 'work'.  The easiest way to a job you enjoy is not to find a career and try to make it enjoyable, it is to find what makes you happy and then figure out how you can make money doing it. 

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, log into Blogger, and click New Post.  List 3 good things about yourself.  These can be personality traits (such as being outgoing or intelligent), physical attributes (such as being strong or having pretty feet), or things you do well (such as building things or typing quickly).  What careers do these things point you toward?  Now think about what career you dream of having.  Are these two career paths related?  Think how you could combine your strengths and your dreams.  Your blog title will be Three Good Things.  When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Ms. Davis's Answer: I am very organized.  I am outgoing and I like to talk to people.  I have a lot of experience with computers.  A career that would be good for me is teaching.  My dream career is to be a rock star, but that does not align with my talents, so teaching is a great fit for me. :)

Please use complete sentences and correct punctuation and spelling.  Do not use all caps or all lowercase.

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