Sunday, September 12, 2010


Me and my friend Sarah riding an elephant in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2010.

Posting photos to your blog is easy!  
  • When creating a New Post, click the button on the toolbar that looks like a tiny mountain with a tree and a blue sky (to the right of the blue button that says Link).  
  • Then click Choose File.  
  • Find the location where your photo is saved (look in Library or on the Desktop) and click Open.  
  • The photo will take a second to upload.  
  • Then make sure the yellow square is around the photo and click Ok.  
  • The photo will appear in your blog post.

After That: A blue toolbar will appear with your photo.  You can choose the size you want it to be, change the alignment, add a caption beneath the photo, or remove the photo if you chose the wrong one.  Add photos to your blog posts to make them even more interesting!

Close-up of the elephant, Rosie

The view of Busan, South Korea, from the steps of Cho Jang Middle School
My Korean Mom, Mrs. Kim, the English Department Director of Cho Jang Middle School.  Taken on Songdo Beach on my first day in Korea.
5 different people from 5 different corners of the world, from left: the Italian, Remi, the Texan, Jen, the Canuck, Holly, the Aussie, Elle, and the South African sweetheart, Anna-Marie.  Taken in the Gothic area of Barcelona, 2009.
A trio of best friends, Jen, Sarah, and Marcus, at the Tiger Sanctuary outside Bangkok, Thailand, in 2010
A street taxi, known as a tuk-tuk, on Kaosan Road in Bangkok, Thailand
Sailboats in the sunset, on the island of Boracay, in the Philippines, 2010
"Ferry" from the mainland to Boracay, the Philippines, 2010
Rafting the River Kwai with my best friend from Korea, Sarah-teacher.  Outside Bangkok, Thailand, 2010.

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