Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Our Class Website

There are many useful things here on our class website. You should check the website often to see what new things Ms. Davis has added.  Here are some examples, but there is plenty more for you to explore, so go for it.

Some useful information (These categories are found on the top right side of the blog under Labels):

Words to the Wise - this is where Ms. Davis will post little grammar reminders and helpful hints, often with a link to a website where you can find even more information.  Sometimes we will go over these in class, but not always, so be on the lookout.

Secrets to Success - this is where Ms. Davis will post information that will help you be successful in class, such as procedures for saving your work, spelling tips, and Blogger tips.  We will not always go over these in class, so check them out periodically to see if there is anything new that you can use.  

TAKS WODs - each day's TAKS word will be listed here if you are looking for some extra credit or just to strengthen your vocabulary.

BIM 1 / BFS - you are either in Ms. Davis's Business Information Management class (abbreviated BIM1) or her Banking and Financial Services (abbreviated BFS).  Or you might even be in both.  This is where you can go for information specific to your class, such as assignments, the syllabus, or a schedule for the class.

INSTRUCTIONS:  Take a few minutes and look around the class website.  Then open a new tab, log into Blogger, and click New Post.  Tell me 3 things you found on our website that you did not know before and how these 3 things will help you in the future, either in class or in life.  Your blog title will be Our Class Website.  When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Please use complete sentences and correct punctuation and spelling.  Do not use all caps or all lowercase.

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