Sunday, September 12, 2010

Please and Because

Plz practice your typing cuz I want you to make good grades. 

What is wrong with that sentence?  There are two misspelled words: 1. PLEASE 2. BECAUSE.

Write two sentences with each word, spelling all of the words in the sentences correctly.

Ms. Davis's Answer: 
1. Please save your work in your network folder.
2. Remember to proofread your assignments, please.
3. I want you to practice because I know you can succeed.
4. Because Samantha received a Progress Report, she knew that she needed to go to tutoring.

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, log into Blogger, and click New Post. Title the post Please and Because.  Write two sentences using each of the two words 1.please 2.because.  You must spell every word in the sentences correctly.  If the words are misspelled, you get a zero on this Travelog.  When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Please use complete sentences and correct punctuation and spelling. Do not use all caps or all lowercase.

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