Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Two Truths and A Lie

Have you ever played the game Two Truths and A Lie?  You try to trick people by telling them 3 things about yourself, two things that are actually true and one thing that is a lie.  Then people try to guess which of the 3 things is a lie.  The object is to learn something about each other and to be creative in your answer.

Ms. Davis's Two Truths and A Lie: I have friends living on 6 different continents.  I worked at the Mesquite Rodeo when I was 14.  I ran with the bulls when I was in Spain in 2009.  ***Which one of these do you think is the lie? (You have to come to class to find out the correct answer.)***

INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, log into Blogger, and click New Post. Title the post Two Truths and a Lie.  Write two things that are true about you and one thing that is a lie.  Try to make them tricky... let's see who can fool the teacher on this one. When you are finished, click Publish Post, and you're done!

Please use complete sentences and correct punctuation and spelling. Do not use all caps or all lowercase.

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