Monday, May 9, 2011

Cartoon Characters

If you were a cartoon character, who would you be, and why?  Insert a picture or a video of your cartoon doppelganger. 

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I would be Lois Griffin from Family Guy.  I used to have the same haircut as she does, a bob, and my friends think I have the same sloping nose.  It's okay with me because I kind of love her.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Extra Lyrics

1. Not constituting a vital element or part.
2. Inessential or unrelated to the topic or matter at hand; irrelevant.
Extraneous means that it's something extra, something not 100% necessary, something that could be thinned out or pared down quite a bit. The guy in the video is great at adding extraneous lyrics to popular songs and singing them perfectly to the beat.  We're going to do the same thing with some of our favorite songs.
Choose a song you like - it must be a song you can find the lyrics to online (so it can't be a song you made up or one with indiscernible lyrics).  Use AZLyrics or MetroLyrics to find the song.  Then copy and paste the lyrics into your blog - TWICE.  Once to show the Original Lyrics, and another time for you to show the new, improved Extraneous Lyrics.  Use at least 1 verse or 1 chorus.  You can use the Thesaurus to look for other words that mean the same thing.  This is sort of like what Weird Al Yankovich does, but you also want to use really long, big words. 
Ms. Davis's Answer:
Song: Britney Spears Till The World Ends
Original Lyrics:
This kitten got your tongue tied in knots I see
Spit it out cuz im dying for company
I notice that you got it
You notice that I want it
You know that I can take it to the next level ba-by!
If you want this good sh*t
Sicker than the remix
Baby let me blow your mind tonight
Extraneous Lyrics:
This offspring of a feline has that muscle in your  mouth with the tastebuds on it twisted I can view with my eyes,
Say what you want to say because I'm about to expire because I'm lonely,
I acknowledge that you have possession of it
You acknowledge that I desire it
You are aware that I can elevate it to the higher plane, young child

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden is Dead

Last night, President Barack Obama announced that Osama Bin Laden, the head of Al Qaeda, the terrorist organization responsible for the attacks on the US on September 11, 2001, had been killed and that the American forces had possession of his body.  This ended a search that some thought might never end.

Think back to September 11, 2001.  What do you remember about that day?  How old were you?  It was a Tuesday, so most of us were at school or on the way to school.  Do you remember how you felt?  Do you remember hearing a lot about it, or was it just another day?  Tell about your day on September 11, 2001.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I was a sophomore in college, and since it was the beginning of the year, my roommate and I had not gotten the cable connected yet.  My mom called to wake me up after the first tower had been hit.  Or maybe after it fell.  I remember listening to the coverage on the radio through static and hearing coverage of the second tower falling, and everyone realizing that this wasn't an accident.  Everyone was terribly sad and very afraid.  Many people went to donate blood that ended up not being needed because no one who was at Ground Zero lived.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Watch the video Ostrich Attacks Kid on Pony.  What was your most memorable experience with an animal, as a child or recently?

Ms. Davis's Answer:

My best animal memory was when a group of my friends and I took a road trip up to Oklahoma the summer after graduation.  There were 2 cars full of us, and we went up to Turner Falls one day, and then to Arbuckle Wilderness, the drive-through petting zoo, the next day.  We were in a small car, and our friends were in an open-top jeep behind us as we drove through the park.  You could buy feed and the animals would come right up to your car and you could feed them.  Mostly it was deer, ostriches, emus, and pretty docile animals, but there were signs everywhere about the zebras.  "Do Not Feed The Zebras!  They Bite!"  They really were everywhere.  About halfway through the park, there was a little hut where you could buy more feed if you already fed all the greed emus along the way, so as we are stopped, I lean out the window and yell back to my friend Jimmy in the Jeep behind us "This lady says the zebras are really sweet and we should try to feed them if we can!" 

Fast forward to 3 minutes later when Jimmy gets nipped on his hand by a zebra.  Hilarious.  Why would he listen to me when there were signs everywhere?  And the lady selling the feed didn't say anything even though she heard what I said.  Ha ha.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Watch the video of Lil Buck improvising to world famous cellist Yo Yo Ma at an event to bring arts back into schools.  Do you think this qualifies as 'art'? Sure, it is neat to watch, but what does this add to the quality of our lives?  Some might say it doesn't put food on the table. Do you think arts should be emphasized more now in schools?  Why or why not?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I think that the benefits of arts education are not so easily quantified by "what does this add to our lives?" and "how will this pay the bills?"  Watching the unbelievable motions the human body (something everyone possesses) is capable of is mind-altering in a way that learning the geography of the US is not, and vice versa.  Since feelings and ideas and thoughts are not tangible, people can overlook their value, but it exists nonetheless.

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Watch the video of the President of the Czech Republic stealthily slipping the commemorative pen into his pocket.  Pretty funny.  It's only a pen, right?

Have you ever stolen something, and what did you steal? Do you think it matters how big the item is that you steal? Did you end up getting caught? If you got caught, what was your punishment? Do you regret that you stole? 

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I stole a cookies 'n' cream ice cream sandwich in the lunch line in 2nd grade.  When I got to the front of the line, the lunch lady asked me about it, and I gave it to her.  I was SO embarrassed and super worried about what my parents would do.  This was on a Friday, and the teacher sent home a note about it for my parents to sign, and I waited the whole long, worrisome weekend before finally confessing on Sunday night.  I don't even remember what my punishment was.  I think my mom probably knew that I had punished myself more than she ever could already.  I do regret that I stole because I could have just asked my mom for a quarter for ice cream.  I have no idea why not.  I think that even though a thief is a thief, obviously the theft of something very valuable is worse than stealing an ice cream.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Best Friends Forever!

Watch the video Best Friends Forever about the orangutan and the hound dog who were instant best friends.  Think about your best friend.  It can be your current best friend, or someone you were best friends with a long time ago, and it doesn't even have to be a human being (remember, the orangutan and the dog weren't the same species).  What is their name?  How did you meet him or her?  Tell 3 things you like about this person.  Tell 3 things you like to do together.  What is one way you wish you were more like them?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
Marcus was my best friend when I lived in Korea.  We were instant best friends like the animals in the video.  We met in Seoul on our first weekend in Korea at New Teacher Orientation.  Marcus is from North Carolina and is really funny.  He's a brilliant beat-poet and well-liked by everyone.  He is great with a microphone in his hand.  We did everything together (no - we were not dating at all), met up for dinners with friends, traveled to Thailand with another one of our friends, and we wrote his stand-up comedy routine together.  I wish I was as bold and brave as Marcus is - he can command people's attention onstage and I have always had stage-fright.  That's probably why I like him so much, because I admire him.

Monday, April 4, 2011


Watch the video Mommy's Nose Is Scary.  The baby is adorably scared of the sound of his mom blowing her nose.  What is something you were scared of as a baby?  Maybe you had little brothers and sisters who are scared of funny things.  If so, tell about those.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

When I was little, I can't remember being scared of much, but my little sister was deathly afraid of spiders.  We had this rubber spider toy with wiggly legs, about the size of your hand, and we would torture her with it.  She was only like 1 or 2 years old.  How terrible!  I hope she has forgiven me by now. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Want The Gold

You can find the Leprechaun news video and the Leprechaun rap song in the JDavis2/Videos folder.

Watch the video of the Mobile, AL residents who believe there is a leprechaun in their town.  This video went viral in 2006, and was one of the first viral videos to spawn a spoof song.  What is your favorite thing about the video?  Who is the craziest person?  What is the craziest superstition that you believe in or that someone you know believes in?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
My favorite person in the video is the guy who has the flute that's "thousands of years old", passed down to him by his great, great grandfather (100's of years old, maybe) who was Irish.  And the lady who thinks it's a crackhead. I can't think of any crazy superstitions... I kind of all think they're all crazy. :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

It's Fun to do Bad Things

Watch the video of Latarian Milton, the 7-year-old who stole his grandmother's car and went joyriding. 

What is the worst thing you ever did as a kid?  Was it as bad as stealing a car and wrecking it several times?  I promise I won't tell!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Friday by Rebecca Black video

Rebecca Black became an overnight sensation with her cheesy song Friday, after the song appeared on Tosh.0.  It has spawned several spoof videos Conan's here, and now after being the butt of the joke for barely a week, people are showing her support, and she has become sort of a underdog hero.

People mock the song for its terrible, mundane lyrics and for her nasal voice.  Here are some of the lyrics:

We could write better lyrics than this in one class period.  So, that is what we are going to do.  You can use the tune and the layout of the lyrics above, but change words strategically to make them about your Friday.  Write at least 1 Verse and one Chorus.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

6am, waking up in the morning
Gotta get cute gotta fix my hair
Gotta have my giant Sonic Coke
Seein' every kid, their shirts untucked
Make them tuck 'em in, "Don't be tardy!"
Gotta make it through just 3 more classes,
Gotta show 'em how to crop Clipart (or Pictures)

It's Friday, Friday, teaching BIM on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend
It's Friday, Friday, teaching BIM on Friday
Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend

For the lyrics to Rebecca Black's Friday:

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bed Intruder

News Video

Bed Intruder Song

Antoine Dodson became an internet sensation last summer after this video, and a subsequent music video revolving around the incident, went viral.  This is a serious story that took a twist into humorous territory, and the Dodson family ended up making so much money off iTunes sales of the Bed Intruder Song that they were able to move out of the projects.

Have you ever heard the expression "All's well that ends well"?  What do you think it means?  Do you think it's true?  Can you think of any examples in your life where all was well that ended well?

Ms. Davis's Answer:

To me, "all's well that ends well" means that even if some bad things happened, in the end, the good outweighed the bad.  Or that you tend to think about something positively if the whole thing ended well, ignoring the bad parts.  I think it is true, definitely, especially because I always do try to look at things positively.  One example of "All's well that ends well" is when I went to the beach for the 4th of July a few years ago, and it rained the whole weekend, but my friends and I had so much fun together, goofing around doing other indoor things that I didn't consider the whole trip a loss.  

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Charlie Bit Me

Schadenfreude - a German word that means pleasure derived from the misfortune of others. Pronunciation here.

Watch the video Charlie Bit My finger.  This was overwhelmingly the video that got the most suggestions on the blog from last class.  Even as a baby, Charlie gets a giggle when his brother screams in pain.  Can you think of a time when you have felt happiness from someone else's pain or injury?  Think about someone you don't like.  If something bad happened to him or her, how would that make you feel?  Does it matter how much you dislike the person, or how bad the thing is that happens?

Ms. Davis's Answer:
I really do try to never have the feeling of schadenfreude, although sometimes I do feel that people get what's coming to them.  I guess if I feel like someone deserves for a bad thing to happen, I feel a sense of justice when it does.  But really, who am I to judge?  Of course, if it is someone truly evil, I will cheer for their unhappiness.  Or if my team's rival loses a game to someone else, I will still be happy.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Viral Video

Viral Video: A video clip on the internet, often humerous, that moves from person to person via email and websites, like a virus.

For the rest of the year, we will have a "Video of the Day" that we'll blog about.  These videos should be less than 5 minutes long, and I will create the blog topics.  I know it can be hard for you to find things on the internet because of the school's filters, but if you know of a video you've seen before, put it in your post.  These can be funny, inspirational, scary, sad, or crazy.  I will be the judge of whether or not the videos are appropriate, so please don't waste my time with videos I'm not going to show the class.  Unless they're really hilarious.

Please give me as many as you can come up with.  :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Most Embarrassing Moment

The rate at which a person can mature is directly proportional to the embarrassment he can tolerate.  -Douglas Engelbart

What is your most embarrassing moment?  Or, if it's too terrible to share, tell one about a friend, or one you heard from somebody else. Give as many details as you can.  Try to put the reader there with you.  When did it happen?  What was the setting?  How old were you when it happened?  Are you able to laugh about it now?

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I was looking for houses with my friend one day in college, and we saw this cute little house by a bakery!  I just love cake, and I love baking. We opened the door and started looking around.  I loved how comfortable the place was, and I wondered at the boxes piled agains the wall.  

All of a sudden this lady with a laundry basket came in and said, "What are you doing in my house?!"

It turned out that the owner of the house had just moved in.  She was only there to lock it up,  and she had forgotten to take the for sale sign off the lawn.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


"Give me liberty, or give me death."- George Washington 

What is your motto in life?  (Motto: a brief statement used to express a principle, goal, or ideal.)  What are your words to live by? Some famous mottos can be found at  You may also use a line from a favorite song or movie, or something you have read in a book.  Tell your motto, and then give a brief explanation of why you chose this.  You may also insert a picture.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

Thoughts become things, so choose the good ones.

I am a big believer in quantum physics, the Law of Attraction, and like attracts like.  I believe that my thoughts create my world, so I always try to think positively and look at things with a good attitude.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Speak With Authority

Watch the Taylor Mali video, and think about the way you speak to your friends, your teachers, your family members, the people you work with.  Do you think about what you say before you say it?  Do you commit any of the 'verbal offenses' he mentions in the video (is there anything he says in the video that you hear your own self saying when you speak)?  Why is it important for us to care about the way we sound when we say things?  What are 2 things you can change about the way you speak that will make you speak with more authority? 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Budget Cuts

Governor Rick Perry recently announced staggering budget cuts for Texas (and no raise in taxes), including cutting billions of dollars for education and proposing to eliminate the Texas Historical Commission and the Texas Commission on the Arts. How will these budget cuts affect you?

INSTRUCTIONS:  Discuss the budget cuts and their immediate effects on you and the people you know.  Then finish the sentence "Texas Education budget cuts will affect me in the following ways:"  Please list at least 3 ways these cuts will touch your life or the lives of people you know.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

Because of the budget cutbacks, MISD is on a hiring freeze.  This means that they hope to save money without layoffs by not replacing teachers who leave or retire.  Because we will still have the same amount of students, this means that some classes will simply be dropped, and the ones that aren't will be crowded with the extra students.  This means less individual attention, more distractions in the classroom, and more paperwork for teachers.  Friends who work in DISD are not so lucky - DISD has announced layoffs of 3,100 educators.  My brother and a good friend are both in certification classes to become educators next fall, and now they almost certainly won't be able to find teaching jobs.   These are just a few obvious effects, but the worst probably remains to be seen.

Monday, February 21, 2011


Finish the sentence below.  List at least 3 things that you would put into law.

If I were the President...

Ms. Davis's Answer:

If I were the President, I would give everyone healthcare.  I would make owning guns illegal.  And I would mandate a 3-day weekend with 4-day weeks.  If everyone worked a little longer Monday through Friday, we could get the same amount of things done!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ms. Davis Will Be Out Today

So be on your best behavior. I know you will :)

Please DO NOT SURF THE WEB TODAY. You may use headphones, but remember that there might be important people coming around to your classes today. Show them how awesome we are.

See you Thursday!

Monday, February 14, 2011


INSTRUCTIONS: Write a story using the sentences below as a jumping off point.  Write at least 5 new sentences of your own.  The story can be about anything you want, as long as it is school appropriate.  Use 2 TAKS Words of the Day, and underline them within the story.

Jake couldn't wait to get to school. Today was the day of the class Valentine's Day party.

Ms. Davis's Answer:
Jake couldn't wait to get to school. Today was the day of the class Valentine's Day party.  He had been waiting for this day since well before Christmas - today was the day he would disclose his love to the girl he had been pining for.  Her name was Candy, so he thought it was perfect to declare his love to her on Valentine's Day, in letters spelled out with all different kinds of candy.  He had planned it out perfectly, spending hours on the placement of each piece.  He wanted to be sure he'd done everything he could to capture her heart.  He was an artist, and he was using this as a way to harness his talent in an edible way.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Halftime Show

Watch the video of the Super Bowl XLV halftime show.  What did you think?  Do you like the Black Eyed Peas?  What did you think about Christina Aguilera's mistake in the National Anthem?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Book Covers

“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” – American Proverb

INSTRUCTIONS:  Think about the proverb above.  Is it good advice?  Is there ever a good time to form an opinion about someone based on their outward appearance?  What do you think if you see an old man with a scraggly beard wearing grungy flannel outside 7-Eleven?  Do you think, maybe he works outdoors and that jacket is really warm, or do you think he must be a bum?  What about the other way around?  When you see someone in a flashy car or with an expensive purse, do you think they must be really rich and awesome?  Are there times that you think you should judge people’s appearances for your own safety?  Write at least 3 sentences telling whether or not it’s okay to judge a book by its cover.  Include at least one TAKS Word of the Day.  Then click Publish Post, and you’re done.

Ms. Davis’s Answer:

I think this proverb really means don’t judge a person’s character based on what they are wearing, and I agree, you shouldn’t do that.  But there are times when someone’s outward appearance is the first sign of danger or distress, and the judgment is the natural effect of that appearance.  In a time when I feel concerned about my safety, I’ll make a snap judgment just to be careful.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Should We Spare the Rod?

It's an ethical dilemma.  Ethics is branch of philosophy that discusses concepts such as good and bad, right and wrong, justice, and virtue.  A dilemma is a situation with two or more possible outcomes, none of which is necessarily 100% good.  The phrase "between a rock and a hard place" describes a dilemma.  Some common topics of ethical dilemmas in the US today are abortion, drug legalization (specifically marijuana), and immigration.  Another one is whether or not parents (and other guardians) should use physical force in raising children.  Many agree that too much force is wrong and call it abuse, but where should the line be drawn? Opponents say spanking instills fear, not understanding, and sets up a loop of abuse.  Proponents say "Spare the rod, spoil the child," meaning that if a child isn't spanked, he won't mind, and will become spoiled. What do you think?

INSTRUCTIONS: Tell whether or not you think parents should whip their children as a means of discipline.   Write at least 3 sentences, and use at least one TAKS Word of the Day, and underline it.  Then click Publish Post, and you're done.

Ms. Davis's Answer:

I do not think children should be disciplined using force.  I think hitting a child is the easiest way for parents to eliminate the immediate problem, but it's not the most effective way.  Taking the time to set a precedent and enforcing rules and expectations consistently teaches the child what to do and what not to do, while beating only teaches the child to fear the parent. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Would You Rather

  • Would you rather have a beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car?

  • Would you rather have a husband or wife who is really attractive but dumb as rocks, or someone who is really smart, but not cute at all?

  • Would you rather be invisible or be able to read minds?

  • INSTRUCTIONS: Answer the questions above, and tell why you would choose each one.  Please include at least 1 TAKS Word of the Day in your answer, and use complete sentences.  Then make up a "Would You Rather" question of your own.  When you are finished, click Publish Post.

    Ms. Davis's Answer:
    • I would rather have a beautiful house, but it's a really close call.  Not everybody sees your home, but plenty of people see your car.  Maybe if I had an ugly car I would stay home more.
    • I would rather have someone intelligent, no doubt.  If I didn't have to marry them though...
    • I would rather be invisible.  I don't think I want to know what people are thinking.
    My Question:  Would you rather have the longest fingernails in the world, or the longest neck in the world?

    Monday, January 24, 2011


    Monday's child is fair of face,
    Tuesday's child is full of grace,
    Wednesday's child is full of woe,
    Thursday's child has far to go.
    Friday's child is loving and giving,
    Saturday's child works hard for a living,
    But the child born on the Sabbath Day,
    Is fair and wise and good and gay.
    ~ Mother Goose nursery rhyme

    What does your birthday say about you?

    INSTRUCTIONS:  Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Go to Paul Sadowski's Birthday Calculator and look up your birthday.  What day of the week were you born?  What is your Life Path number, and how do they come up with the Life Path number?  What Chinese year are you?  What is that supposed to mean?  How many days old are you?  Who is a celebrity that is born on your birthday?  How many days until your next birthday?  Answer these questions and click Publish Post.

    Ms. Davis's Answer:

    I was born on a Friday.  My Life Path number is 4, The Life Path 4 suggests that I entered this plane with a natural genius for planning, fixing, building, and somehow, with practical application and cerebral excellence, making things work. Supposedly I am one of the most trustworthy, practical, and down-to-earth of individuals; the cornerstone members of society. Indeed, as a Life Path 4, I am a builder of society. I was born in the year of the Dog.   I'm 10, 512 days old.  Wow.  The Pope was born on the same day as me.  There are 80 days until my next birthday.  The song Eye of the Tiger was a top song when I was born. 

    Survivor - Eye of the Tiger


    To get rid of

    Sunday the Packers eliminated the Bears in the NFC Championship in order to move on to the Super Bowl against Pittsburgh.


    To lift up

    When you hurt your ankle, doctors recommend that you elevate the foot to relieve swelling, so prop it up on a pillow while you sit there.


    Produces the desired result

    Luckily, the first antibiotic was effective at fighting his illness.


    Something that is produced by a cause; a result; a consequence

    Global warming is one of the long-term effects of pollution.


    An article in a newspaper presenting the opinion of the publisher, editors, or editors

    I look forward to Steve Blow’s editorial column every week in the Dallas Morning News.

    Friday, January 21, 2011

    What's in a Name?

    "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." - Juliet, Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

    INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, log in to Blogger, and click New Post.  Do you know the meaning of your name?  Use to search for your name and find out its origin and use to find the meaning of it.  Do you like your name?  If you could change your name tomorrow, would you?  What would you change it to?  When you are finished, click New Post.

    Ms. Davis's Answer:

    My name, Jennifer, is from the Welsh name Guinevere.  It means white wave.  I do like my name now, although I wish it weren't so common.  If I could change my name tomorrow, I wouldn't do it.  Maybe if I could go back and start with a different name I would, but I wouldn't want to switch now.

    Thursday, January 20, 2011

    Get a Free Day!!!

    The WMHS Theatre Troupe is putting on The Man of La Mancha for the annual musical this year.  If you attend one showing and bring me a playbill and ticket from the show, you will receive ONE FREE DAY later in the 6-weeks, on a day when the other students are working.  Totally AWESOME, right?

    The Man of La Mancha
    in the WMHS Auditorium

    Friday, January 21, at 7:00pm
    Saturday, January 22, at 7:00pm
    Sunday, January 23, at 2:00pm

    Students - $5
    Adults - $8

    Wednesday, January 19, 2011

    Zodiac Sign

    What is your zodiac sign?  What are the traits associated with that sign?  Do you possess those traits?  Do you believe in astrology?  Did your sign change when the astrological charts were realigned recently?  What do you think about that?

    INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Answer the questions above.  Tell why you do or do not believe in astrology.  Write at least 5 sentences, and include at least one TAKS WOD.  When you are finished, click Publish Post.

    Ms. Davis's Answer:

    My zodiac sign is Aries, the sign of the Ram.  Aries are said to be  "masculine" (I hope not), neurotic/task-oriented (definitely me), positive/extrovert (this describes me as well) sign. And they say Aries like to be first since it is the first sign of the zodiac. True story.  I do believe that astrology probably has a little truth to it, because it is derived from real star charts, but I don't live and die by it.  My sign did change to Pisces, but people are saying that you don't have to change your sign unless you were born after 2009.  I'm glad because even though I'm not that into it, I feel attached to the Ram.

    Friday, January 14, 2011

    Story Time, The Conclusion

    Write a third and final part to your story from the last two blog posts, using 3 more TAKS Words of the Day.

    INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post (or if your blog is in Microsoft Word, open a new document).  Conclude the story you began in the last two blogs.  Go for it.  Use your brain creatively.  This time, your story must be at least 7 sentences long.  Use 3 different TAKS WODs than you used in the first two stories.  Underline them.  You may change the title of the post to fit your story if you want.  Then add at least one picture to illustrate it.  When you are finished, click Publish Post.

    Ms. Davis's Answer:

    Susie froze.  Had Jack heard the sound?  How could he not have heard?   She looked at the back of the dress.  Maybe you couldn't differentiate between the fabric of the dress and the fabric of the slip she wore beneath it.  But you most certainly could.

    Susie felt like she was a character in one of those stories of mortification from a teenage magazine circa 1994.  She attributed this horror to her inability to do anything remotely feminine.   "I have learned my lesson this time," she thought.

    Wednesday, January 12, 2011

    Story Time, The Sequel

    On your last blog, you wrote a short story using TAKS Words of the Day.  Now write a sequel, a Part 2 to your earlier story, using 3 more TAKS Words of the Day.

    INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post (or if your blog is in Microsoft Word, open a new document).  Continue the story you began in the last blog in some way.  Did your previous story lack a conclusion?  Use this as a chance to wrap it up.  Would you like to add some details before what happened in the first part of the story?  Write a pre-quel (a sequel that comes before the original chronologically).  Or perhaps your first story would be easy to continue indefinitely.  Go for it.  Use your brain creatively.  This time, your story must be at least 7 sentences long.  Use 3 different TAKS WODs than you used in the first story.  Underline them.  You may change the title of the post to fit your story if you want.  Then add at least one picture to illustrate it.  When you are finished, click Publish Post.

    Ms. Davis's Answer:

    The night of the party was finally here.  Susie had worked continuously on the dress for weeks, meticulously measuring the dimensions of each piece of fabric and sewing them together very carefully.  "It's no Prada gown," she thought, "but at least I can say I made it myself.  At least I completed something, terrible as it may be." 

    She stepped slowly down each step of the winding staircase to finally show Jack her finished product.  As she inched down the 5th stair, she heard the most terrifying sound she could imagine - the sound of fabric ripping!

    Monday, January 10, 2011

    Story Time

    Tell a story using TAKS Words of the Day.

    INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Write a short story, 5 - 10 sentences, and include at least 3 TAKS WODs.  The TAKS WODs can be found by clicking on the link on the right side of this page.  Underline each TAKS WOD when you use it.  Insert pictures to illustrate your story.  You may change the title of the post to a creative title that represents your story if you would like.  When you are finished, click Publish Post.

    Ms. Davis's Answer:

    Susie wished she was more domestic, like her mother was.  Her mother was very good at making a home, but it did not come naturally to Susie.  She was actually adept at a diverse range of things (horseback riding, snowboarding, math), but none of those things in the home.  Today she wanted to duplicate a dress she had seen over the weekend.  If I can board down that double black diamond at the age of 27, I can make a silly dress, she thought.

    Thursday, January 6, 2011

    New Years Eve

    New Years Eve (NYE) is anticipated by many as the biggest party of the year each year.  What is your favorite NYE memory?

    INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, log in to Blogger, and click New Post.  Describe the best NYE you ever had.  Where were you?  Who was there?  What made it so memorable?  Did you get a kiss at midnight?  Now describe your worst NYE.  What happened?  Where were you?  Who was there?  What made it so horrible?  When you are finished, click Publish Post.

    Ms. Davis's Answer:

    My best NYE was in Thailand in 2009.  I was on vacation with my friends, we were on the beach, and it was warm and beautiful.  I was surrounded by other travelers and two of my favorite friends under a blanket of stars.  I will never forget it.

    My worst NYE was in 2006.  I had gone to visit my best friend in Chicago, and I got tonsilitis.  I had to spend the night alone in a hotel watching reruns of Entourage.  And I couldn't go to the doctor the next day because most weren't open on New Years Day.  I will also never forget that.  Yuck.

    Tuesday, January 4, 2011

    Silver and Gold

    Each new year is seen as a chance to assess our lives and reflect on what we have experienced.  It can also be an opportunity to then think about and make plans for the year to come.  This month our blogs will be setting the stage for the year 2011.

    Make new friends
    And keep the old.
    One is silver,
    And the other, gold.
    -Girl Scout song

    INSTRUCTIONS: Open a new tab, login to Blogger, and click New Post.  Think about the year 2010.  Who were your best friends last January, or who did you spend a lot of time with last summer?  What about now, are you still as good of friends with these people as you were back then?  Why or why not?  Now think about one friend you have now that you became friends with just last year.  One year ago you did not know them.  What caused you to become friends?  What is your favorite thing about this person?  Describe your old and your new friends, and think about those friendships and the changes they have undergone.  Are you happy with the way these friendships have developed?  What can you do to cultivate them? When you are finished, click Publish Post.

    Ms. Davis’s Answer:

    A year ago I was living in Korea, and my best friends were Marcus and Sarah.  After I moved back home in June, I spent most of my time with Angela and Chris.  Now I do not get to see my friends from Korea any more, and that is really sad, but I still spend a good amount of time with my best friend Angela.  We have been friends since middle school.  Someone I am friends with now that I did not know before last year is my friend Jake.  He is really intelligent and extremely generous.  I am grateful to know all of these people, and I know that we will always remain friends.   I will not let too much time pass in between making contact.   

    Monday, January 3, 2011


    To copy

    If you want to use the same shape over and over again, you can highlight the shape and click Ctrl+D to duplicate it.


    Extremely severe or extensive

    I would not normally have reacted so strongly, but this called for drastic measures.


    Of or pertaining to home, the household, household affairs, or the family

    Instead of calling herself a stay-at-home mom, Marie claims to be a domestic goddess.


    The state of being diverse; difference; unlikeness

    As a cultural melting pot, America is known for its diversity.


    Of a different kind, form, character, etc.; unlike

    The wildflowers along the highways in Texas are diverse in color, size, and shape.